ついに応募作品は破棄されたまま…… 【TAAF2016】『東京アニメアワードフェスティバル2016』開幕、騒動の当事者SFD文書を全公開


2016年03月18日 17:01  おたぽる

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江口美都絵氏(東京アニメアワードフェスティバル・元フェスティバルディレクター)に対する刑事告訴・民事裁判に関する御報告 (2016/2/15 付発表文に対し、第8項を追加発表) | 日本動画協会




 一連の出来事は海外でも大きな注目を集めています。『TAAF』に来場経験のある「アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭」のYves Nougarède氏は、取材班に対して「江口氏の仕事には、私のみならず同行したミシェル・オスロらも総じて感謝している」と述べる一方で「滞在中に日本動画協会の関係者と話をすることはなかった」とコメントしました。





Sauve qui peut le court metrage, short film depot, およびTAAFについて



ショートフィルムデポ(SFD)は、世界の中から慎重に選ばれた60の映画祭(注:世界中には今2000以上の自称映画祭がある)と、何千もの作品の権利者(映画製作者、プロデューサー、配給、エージェンシー、映画学校など)に、利用されている特別なWEBサイトです。SFDを運営する、フランスのクレルモン=フェランに位置する、非営利文化団体Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Metrageは、世界の映画界の旗頭であり、宝でもあります。Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Metrageは「非営利文化団体」として登録されています。
非営利文化団体Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Metrageの主たる活動は、フランス「クレルモン=フェラン国際短編映画祭」のオーガナイズ(クレルモン=フェラン市において、第38回目映画祭がつい最近、2月5日から12まで開催されたばかりで、正式登録者で16万人が観客として楽しみました)で、文化庁や仏ナショナルフィルムセンター、数多くの自治体や各地の各権威の協力を受けており、それと同時にテレビ局のCanal+やミシュラン、ニコンなどの私企業のスポンサードを受けています。クレルモン=フェラン国際短編映画祭は、世界で最も重要な短編映画祭として知られ、文化大臣オードレイ氏がクレルモン=フェランの我々のオフィスを3月3日に訪れたばかりです。







これはSFDが堅実なる信頼関係と国際評価を基礎にしていることで、映画製作者や映画産業関係者に非常に高い評価を得ています。SFDは献身的に、映画製作者・権利者と映画祭、 映画産業に敬意を表し運営しています。





SFDを利用するには、映画祭は極めて厳格なガイドラインを受け入れる必要があります。映画祭は、もし望んだとしても、自由勝手にSFDに登録して利用が可能になるわけではありません。映画祭側の利用者は、SFDに詳細な利用内容を送らねばならなりません。そしてその各内容はSFDの利用が許可される前に、 注意深く厳格にSFDによって審査されます。(例えば、映画祭のレギュレーションや、映画祭運営力のキャパシティ、映画業界のプロフェッショナルの重要なルールへの敬意の有無などについて)。




SFDが許諾していないTAAFのパートナー組織(編集部註:日本動画協会の人物であることが後に判明)内のアクセスを許可されていないスタッフが、TAAFの権利者パスワードを盗用、TAAF SFDアカウントに不正アクセスしたのです。この人物は作品を応募した人々の名簿のおそらく一部を不当にダウンロードしました(2015年10月から11月にかけて)。








Links :
www.clermont-filmfest.com (クレルモン=フェランの数多くの活動が記載されています)
www.shortfilmdepot.com (SFDのプラットフォームの概要が明確に書かれています。このプラットフォームは限られた、厳格な審査のうえ認められた人しかアクセスができません。お金を払っただけでは不可能です。下記の「国際短編映画会議倫理規定」を参照ください。これは長編映画も同様です。)

*SFD メンバーシップ協定













Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Metrageは、倫理規定や、よきプロフェッショナルのルール規範の遵守について積極的であり、 SHORTFILMDEPOT.COMは、この非営利文化団体の一部として、映画業界へ献身的なサービスを提供し、完全に献身的で高潔なる倫理の元、運営されています。

Laurent Crouzeix, General Delegate, Sauve Qui Peut le Court Métrage Cartagena de Indias, March 04, 2016


OBJECT : Information about Sauve Qui Peut le COurt Métrage,
Shortflmdepot.com and relation with TAAF (Tokyo Anime Awards Festival)


*Background* : Shortfilmdepot.com is a website that is used by some 60
carefully selected festivals, and thousands of rights owners (filmmakers,
producers, distributors, agencies, film schools). Shortfilmdepot.com is the
trademark and property of French cultural association SAUVE QUI PEUT LE
COURT MÉTRAGE, located in Clermont-Ferrand, France. SAUVE QUI PEUT LE COURT
MÉTRAGE is a *registered not-for-profit cultural association* whose
activities are :

- organizing the *Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival* (38th
edition just took place in Clermont-Ferrand from 5-12 February 2016,
attracting 160,000 admissions), with support from the Ministry of Culture,
the National Film Centre, and many regional and local authorities, as well
as private sponsors (Canal+, Michelin, Nikon, etc.). Clermont-Ferrand
International Short Film Festival is regarded as the most important short
film festival in the world. Th newly appointed Minister of Culture, Mrs
Audrey Azoulay, just visited its offices in Clermont-Ferrand on Thursday 3rd
March ;

- organizing a *Short Film Market* (3,500 industry visitors also from 5-12
February 2016), with support from the European Commission and the Producers
Guild ;

- running the regional *Auvergne Film Commission* (to offer
location/casting/facilities services to film/TV/media productions shooting
in the Region (with support from the Regional Council);

- operating *Film Education* activities throughout the year, with support
from the French National Film Centre (Centre du Cinéma et de l’Image
Animée), Regional Cultural Board, and in cooperation with Clermont-Ferrand
Universities and various Educational authorities ;

- managing a unique *Film Resource Centre* specialized in short films, in
its buildings in La Jetée in Clermont-Ferrand, as part of the local Network
of Public Libraries ;

- owning and managing the *SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM *

*Shortfilmdepot practices* : The SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM platform was created in
2004. It is a strictly *private B2B platform* that connects filmmakers (and
other right owners, such as producers, distributors, film promotion
agencies, film schools) with some 60 carefully selected member festivals
worldwide. It enjoys a very solid relationship and reputation with
filmmakers/rights owners and film festivals / film industry events.
SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM is committed to respect filmmaker’s copyrights and data,
as well as festival’s confidentiality. *NO film / video is ever made public
or visible online to the general audience through the shortfilmdepot.com
website*. Films / videos are only made
accessible by the filmmakers to the festival(s) of their choice, by private
password-protected access only. Eligibility controls are made to ensure
that films that are sent (privately) online to festivals match festival
eligibility criteria (not anyone can send any film to any festival).

Any person that would compare a private professional service like
SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM to any public video site (like You Tube for instance,
where content is uploaded by anyone and made visible online to everyone)
would show a very poor knowledge of the professional short film circuit.
And, more alarmingly, a total misconception of the basics of film
distribution, festival programming, festival organization and/or respect of
copyrights! Not to mention that YouTube is a free service open to all,
whereas Shortfilmdepot is a paying service used by professionals.

Regarding festivals, SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM has very strict guidelines to
accept member festivals. Festivals cannot register online freely. They need
to send a detailed request to use the service. Every request is carefully
examined before acceptance (examination of festival regulations, capacity
of organizers to organize a festival, respect of good professional
practices,. SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM regularly refuses to work with some
festivals, which do not offer enough guarantees of good professional
practices. An agreement is signed with each festival director or legal
representative before the festival can start using the service. Each
festival must respect obligations to ensure good professional practices, as
clearly mentioned in this agreement, which also outlines the online service
provided by Shortfilmdepot.com. Only under these conditions is a festival
granted access to its strictly personal festival Shortfilmdepot account,
which includes all the necessary tools to manage online submissions (data
and communication) and view films privately.

*Relation with TAAF* : In the case of TAFF, we were contacted by its
initial TAAF Festival Director Mrs Mitsue Eguchi, who clearly understood
all aspects, gave guarantees of her team’s capacity to organize the
festival, and communicated clear festival regulations. She then signed the
SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM agreement in her position of TAAF Festival Director.
Under her supervision, the team at TAFF 2015 and TAAF 2016 in charge of
managing online submissions on Shortfilmdepot.com always respected its
obligations and showed every sign of good professional practice regarding
the platform and filmmakers.

We were then informed that a conflict was taking place at TAAF. And that an
unauthorized member of a partner organization of TAFF had used the festival
password to access TAAF’s Shortfilmdepot account. It seems this person
probably exported a list of filmmakers contacts (most likely in October or
November 2015). We then decided to temporarily block access to the TAFF
Shortfilmdepot account. This decision was not against any individual or
organization. It was motivated to protect filmmakers’s rights on their
films and data – and *no-one* had access to the account when we blocked it
(neither Mrs Eguchi, nor any other person related or claiming to be related
to TAAF).

Later, at the end of December 2015, we received a letter by Mr Kenji Uchida
and Mr. Satoru Matsumoto, who both signed as respectively President and
Secretary General of TAAF Executive Committee (on an AJA header letter,
sent to us by a lawyer who claimed to represent TAAF Executive Committee).
This letter informed us that Mrs Eguchi was no longer in her position. The
letter also requested access to TAAF Shortfilmdepot account to organize the
upcoming edition of TAAF. After asking and receiving more information,
access to the account was briefly restored later in January. Yet, after
just 48 hours, we quickly decided to block the account again as we noticed
contradictory information between TAAF website and the information we had
received by email. We can guarantee, from our logs tracing the activity of
the website, that no film / video was accessed for download during this
short interval. Since then, no-one has been granted access to the TAAF
Shortfilmdepot festival account. No other agreement was signed with any
other person or organization related to TAAF to use the Shortfilmdepot.com

We also used our strong and well-trusted position in the film community to
receive additional information from other independent sources from our
colleagues in the Animation industry, both in Europe and in Japan, to
better assess the situation. Considering the importance of the issue, we
then asked for a signed declaration by all members of the TAAF Executive
Committee to clearly designate which organization and person was appointed
to organize TAAF and handle film submissions through the SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM
platform. We never received a signed declaration to clarify the situation,
so the account has remained closed ever since.

Should Mrs Mistue Eguchi send us a document signed by all members of the
TAAF Executive Committee, and clearly stating that she and her team have
been appointed by the TAAF Executive Committee to organize TAAF and handle
online submissions through Shortfilmdepot, we would then consider restoring
access to the TAAF Shortfilmdepot account.

*Links *:

See : www.clermont-filmfest.com for a brief outlook of the association’s
various activities.

See : www.shortfilmdepot.com to access the platform’s presentation homepage.
A brief look at the website’s homepage will clearly show that no one can
access a video publicly on this site. And that festivals do not just need
to pay to access the service, but need to contact our team for requesting
possible membership (after consulting the International Short Film
Conference Code of Ethics).

*Obligations of Shortfilmdepot.com member festivals*:

Any member festival on Shortfilmdepot should commit to respect the
following Code of Ethics, recommended by the International Short Film
Conference : http://shortfilmconference.com/code-of-ethics/ , including :

- A festival is considered a cultural event which considers cinema and
video as an art form and a film or a video as a work of art.

- A festival is respectful of the filmmakers’ work and will do its best to
screen the work in its original version, format and technical requirements.

- The festival should respect the copyright of the selected as well as the
submitted films.

1. Right holders should be informed about which program(s) the film is
in and when, where and how many times these programs are screening.

2. Other screenings, especially those not within the duration of the
festival, need to be arranged and agreed upon beforehand.

The The Shortfilmdepot agreement also outlines festival obligations,

- respecting copyright and right owners who send their film

- protecting festival data and account password

- correct management of incoming film submissions

- clear communication to filmmakers about selection results

SAUVE QUI PEUT LE COURT METRAGE are strongly committed to ethical and good
professional practices. SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM, as part of the association
not-for-profit activities in the service of the film community, is fully
committed to the same principles.

Laurent Crouzeix, General Delegate, Sauve Qui Peut le Court Métrage

Cartagena de Indias, March 04, 2016


  • この件について「おたぽる」らは江口美都絵側を支持しているけど、出ている材料だけでは日本動画協会側が悪いと判断できないと思う。
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