

2019年09月05日 22:50  サッカーキング

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腸ガンと診断されたハル・シティのマクドナルド [写真]=Getty Images





この投稿をInstagramで見る This is not an easy post to write but life isn’t always an easy road to navigate. The news broke today from my club that I have been diagnosed with Bowel Cancer. After a year on the sidelines and recently getting back into full training, returning to the pitch felt closer than ever, so this news has come as a complete shock and is hard to take and fully process. However, I’m blessed to have fantastic family and friends and some very good people around me to help me get through this, as well as amazing team mates and staff at the club who have been with me all the way through the past year. I’m getting my head around this new challenge that lies ahead. I will be ready to fight this head on, and I’m going to do whatever I can to get back to full health and back on that pitch. I’m going to take a few days away from social media, and get some alone time with my nearest and dearest. Goose x #tigers 🐯♥️ A N G U S M A C D O N A L Dさん(@angusmac15)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 9月月4日午前9時33分PDT


