

2025年02月24日 23:20  AUTOSPORT web

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2025年WRC第2戦ラリー・スウェーデン ラリーを戦った最高峰クラスのドライバー達
 2月24日、WRC世界ラリー選手権に参戦しているドライバーおよびコドライバーらによって設立されたWorld Rally Drivers Alliance(ワールド・ラリー・ドライバーズ・アライアンス/WoRDA)は、新設したInstagramアカウントにて公開書簡を投稿。第2戦ラリー・スウェーデンで起きた、選手の不適切発言に対して罰金を科したFIA国際自動車連盟へ向けた声明を発表した。

 今回罰金の対象となったのは、ヒョンデ・シェル・モービスWRTのアドリアン・フルモー(ヒョンデi20 Nラリー1)で、2月13日(木)から16日(日)まで開催されていた第2戦『ラリー・スウェーデン』の最終ステージ後の公式インタビューにてFワードを発したことが発端となっている。


 こうした不適切な発言への取り締まりは、モハメド・ビン・スライエム会長が主導するFIAが近年強めている動きであり、2024年第10戦の『アクロポリス・ラリー・ギリシャ』においてもTOYOTA GAZOO Racing WRTのセバスチャン・オジエ(トヨタGRヤリス・ラリー1)に対して同額の罰金処分が下されている。





world rally drivers alliance


The Rally Drivers and Codrivers of WoRDA, inspired by their GPDA colleagues, join together to express their opinion, seek clarity and co-operate towards a brighter future.

First and foremost, we wish to state that, as is the case with every sport, competitors must abide by the referees’ decision. The respect of this principle is not in question.

We are not all full-time professionals, yet we all face the same extreme conditions with the same relentless passion. Whether navigating through dense forest, across frozen roads in the dead of night, or through the dust of treacherous gravel tracks, we push ourselves to the limit - against the elements, against the clock, and against our own limits.

Beyond racing, our role has expanded. Today, rally drivers and co-drivers are not only athletes but also entertainers, content creators, and constant media figures. From the smartphones of spectators to the official WRC cameras, we are expected to be available at all times - before, during, and after competition, from dawn to dusk.

WoRDA has always recognized our responsibilities and commitment to collaborate in a constructive way with all stakeholders, including the FIA president, in order to promote and elevate our outstanding sport for the benefit of all.

In recent months, however, there has been an alarming increase in the severity of sanctions imposed for minor, isolated and unintentional language lapses. This has reached an unacceptable level.

We strongly believe that:

- Common colloquialism cannot be considered and judged as equal to genuine insult or an act of aggression

- Non mother-tongue speakers may use or repeat terms without full awareness of their meaning and connotation

- Seconds after an extreme adrenaline spike, it is unrealistic to expect a perfect and systematic control over emotions.

Rally is extreme: risk level for the athletes, intensity of the focus, length of the days… all the limits are reached.

In such a case we question the relevance and validity of imposing any sort of penalty. Moreover, the exorbitant fines are vastly disproportionate to the average income and budget in rallying.

We are also concerned with the public impression these excessive sums create in the minds of the fans, suggesting this is an industry where money doesn’t matter.

This also raises a fundamental question where does the money from these fines go? The lack of transparency only amplifies concerns and undermines confidence in the system.

Surely the negative impressions surrounding these penalties far outweigh the impact of any language lapse.

We call for a direct communication and engagement between the FIA president and WoRDA members to find a mutually agreeable and urgent solution.


The Rally Drivers and Codrivers members of WoRDA


  • F1も世界WRCラリーも白人至上主義だからな.トヨタも現代も,有色人種には厳しい裁定&レギュレーション.
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